Content Marketing

How to Perform a Content Audit for SaaS Brands And Find Meaningful Insights

Rajashree Goswami
Oct 3, 2023
6 mins read
How to Perform a Content Audit for SaaS Brands And Find Meaningful Insights

So, first things first. What is a SaaS content audit, and why is it important?

It’s pretty much what it says on the tin: systematically evaluating your SaaS content marketing strategy. Its goal is to gather the data necessary to provide valuable insights about how to move forward.

A full content audit for SaaS businesses is a chance to step back and analyze the quality and results of your existing website to determine your future content marketing strategy.

Think of it as a type of review: an essential step to move forward and grow, indicating what’s working well and what isn’t.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of a SaaS SEO content audit: from where to why to how—we’ll leave no stone unturned.

Let’s get started.

Why You Should Do a SaaS Content Audit?

A SaaS content audit is the cornerstone for crafting relevant, high-quality content tailored to your audience, spanning from blog posts to landing pages. It meticulously sifts through your site’s content, pinpointing gaps, outdated material, and duplicates. While it demands time, the returns in optimized content and heightened site traffic are unequivocally substantial.

Crafting compelling, effective content is no small feat. It pays off to occasionally step back and view the broader landscape. From meta descriptions to keyword research, a SaaS content audit is strategically designed to bolster a site’s search engine optimization (SEO), driving organic traffic and elevating conversion rates.

Let’s delve into the key advantages of conducting a SaaS content audit:

  1. Heightened User Engagement: Quality content draws in new leads and retains them, offering actionable insights and practical advice.
  2. Enhanced Overall Site Performance: Elevating content quality leads to increased traffic, positively impacting brand visibility and reputation.
  3. Spotlight on Outdated Content: A content audit reveals content that’s lost its relevance. In SaaS content strategy, quality triumphs over quantity.
  4. Deeper Insights into Top-Performing Content: The audit process yields invaluable data for shaping future content strategies. Analyzing successful posts unveils factors for replication in subsequent marketing efforts.
  5. Identification of Unaddressed Buyer’s Journey Stages: Effective SaaS content spans the entire sales funnel. Catering to each phase, from initial interest to conversion, is crucial for SaaS businesses.
  6. Alignment with Current Marketing Strategy: Assessing if your content aligns with your present marketing approach highlights its strengths and areas needing improvement.
  7. Identification of Updatable Content: Blog posts can slip down rankings over time. Discovering content needing enhancement offers a simple yet powerful way to breathe new life into older articles.

When Should You Conduct a Content Audit for SaaS?

Determining the timing for a SaaS content audit is crucial. Conducting one every 3-6 months ensures that your content remains consistently fresh, captivating, and resonates with your target audience. This periodicity allows you to adapt to changes in user behavior and market trends promptly. While it involves a methodical process, allocating dedicated time for preparation is well worth it.

Before embarking on a content audit, consider these key questions:

  • Who constitutes our target audience? What challenges do they face?
  • What are the overarching goals for our blog content, both short-term and long-term?
  • How do we intend to position our brand?

It’s important to note that the duration of the content audit itself isn’t the focal point; rather, it’s the actions you take based on the insights gained. So, what could be the outcomes of your content audit?

  • The need to optimize existing content
  • Identification of webpages for potential removal
  • Unearthing content gaps that warrant new creations

How to Conduct a Content Audit for Your SaaS Business?

Let’s break down the stages involved in a content audit step by step.

1. Define Your ICPs

Begin by understanding who your site is tailored for. This ensures a consistent tone and voice across your website. It also means you collect data specific to your target audience, which is crucial for shaping your future content strategy. Recognize that your website visitors span various marketing funnel stages, so map out the customer journey and align content accordingly.

2. Define Your Objectives

As Abhishek Shah, Founder of Testlify, suggests, start by clarifying the goals of your content audit. Are you aiming to enhance lead generation, boost customer retention, or strengthen brand awareness? Setting clear priorities is key. Establish what you hope to achieve and what insights you need. Ask questions like:

  • What are the specific areas of your content that require improvement?
  • Is your current content resonating with the right audience?
  • Are users returning to your site, and if not, why?
  • Does each piece of content prompt user action?

3. Crawl Your Website

Begin by cataloging and categorizing all your content, including blog posts, articles, videos, white papers, how-to guides, and more.

4. Audit Each URL

Leverage content audit tools like Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, or Semrush to compile a list of all your website’s URLs. Systematically audit each one to determine if it needs deletion, updating, or redirection. This is your chance to rectify any broken links or dysfunctional pages.

5. Determine Corrective Actions

Whether it’s repurposing underperforming content, adding new sections, or deleting pages altogether, each one requires specific adjustments. The data you gather will guide you on whether to remove, replace, or redirect content.

6. Monitor and Measure Key Metrics

Now that you’ve completed the initial stage delve into its performance. Aim for tangible KPIs that reflect the health and quality of your website content. Engagement metrics are important as they indicate your content’s value to readers. Keep an eye on metrics like:

  • Organic traffic
  • Bounce rate
  • Backlinks
  • Unique visitors
  • Time on page
  • New vs. returning customers
  • Conversions

Consider creating a spreadsheet with this data. It simplifies tracking a lot.

7. Develop a Content Strategy

Use insights from your content audits to update your current content marketing strategy. Create a content calendar that addresses gaps and explores new directions. For more information on how to create a content strategy, you can read our comprehensive guide on SaaS content marketing strategy.

8. Continuously Monitor Metrics

Beyond the content audit, vigilantly track yearly metrics to evaluate results and progress toward goals. Adapt your ideal metrics as your company evolves and attracts more visitors. Regular monitoring enables you to optimize content effectively. Outdated content should be updated or removed to maintain your authority in the industry. Updating and optimizing content often suffices, but deletion can enhance your content library’s overall quality and open doors for repurposing or republishing.


In essence, a SaaS content audit is the compass that ensures your digital presence remains aligned with your audience’s evolving needs. By systematically evaluating and optimizing your content, you’re refining words on a screen and sculpting meaningful connections with your audience. It’s a dynamic process that necessitates periodic check-ins to sustain its impact.

Remember, the ultimate goal isn’t just to craft content and create conversations. You refine your narrative with each audit, aligning it closer to what truly matters to your audience. So, embark on this journey armed with data, fueled by insights, and watch your SaaS business rise to new heights of engagement, authority, and success.

About Rajashree Goswami

Rajashree Goswami

Rajashree is the Lead Content Writer at FirstPrinciples Growth Advisory, specializing in SaaS product marketing content. With 8+ years of experience as a writer turned researcher, she has a deep-rooted affinity for B2B SaaS content writing & strategy planning. She excels in transforming complex solutions into engaging articles that address...

About Rajashree Goswami

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